Step 30 - Peter Drucker, The Cluttered Attic And The Invention Of Rules

This Lesson teaches us to challenge our believes, that might have been set through prior conditions, surrounding environment and cultural trend.

Many people have so called disabling ignorance's, that they cannot accept another point of view, because they hold strict rules in their mind of how things are supposed to work and how things need to be done.

This lesson challenges us to dig deep on our believes and to shake them up, to find out if they truly hold, or if they are merely standing on weak ground. For this we just have to ask ourselves three times the WHY question.

Warren Buffet suggests, that we drop each year a believe that we held for granted.

In this way we are continuously cleaning the attic of our mind and making space for fresh and new ideas to be occupied with our thoughts.

This lesson is not about dropping all our believes. It merely points out, that we have to challenge them instead of blindly following them, because they have been taught to us by our parents, society or our past self.

Removing "disabling ignorance", let us understand new concepts to come closer to the truth.

Donald Rumsfeld says:

"There are known knowns. There are things that we know that we know. We also know that there are known unknowns. That is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns. The ones we don't know, we don't know."

For example we have a believe that sport is mindless. Is this a disabling ignorance? What are the rules we make up?

Our mind is like an attic. It gets full. How do we clean the attic? Well drop a conviction every year.

Go into the morality or spirituality, where we decided for rules and dig them out. Think T.V. is dumb? Ask three times WHY.


  1. What is a belief that you held very dearly for a long time that you now realize is crazy?

    Sorry to disappoint. Can't remember a time, where I held a believe very dearly for a long time that proofed to be crazy.

  2. What is something that you believe that you could take the opposite side of?

    I am vegetarian on spiritual grounds, since I believe in karma and the afterlife. I ordered two books, one "The Science of Near-Death-Experiences". After I work them through I'll see if my long term believe is BS. Nonetheless I can take theoretical point of meat eaters easily, if I throw away the spiritual part and focus on the rest.

  3. Write out an opposing argument to something you believe.

    Arguing that we only have this life: It is indeed true that the world has for eons tried to solve the mystery of life. Many claim to have reached it, but what matters in the end are not subjective impressions, since they can be influenced and falsified. What matters in the end is the objective measurement. And the ability to adapt to our surroundings. Similar to business, we can't base decisions on wishful thinking. We have to measure everything that life gives us with the same rule. We can't argue that for business, that we are going to use objective measurement to determine future action, but discard this measurement when it comes to the spiritual world some people assume. In eons there hasn't been the possibility yet to measure, if there is any truth to the afterlife. Quite contrarily there has been a lot of evidence that suggests an evolutionary point of view, where humans are merely an adaptation and all species have common ancestors dating back to so called replicators billions of years ago. It is quite possible, that our evolutionary derived consciousness, in its ability to include itself in its simulation process, has merely adapted wishful thinking to face the fear of death, since there isn't any hard evidence of a world, in which we continue as what we are, whatever we are.