Step 17 - Elon Musk’s 14-Hour Workday vs. The 4-Hour Workweek

Lesson Summary

This lesson is about the hours. There is no way we can achieve, whatever it is we want to achieve, if we don't put in the hours for it.

There is no man that has had an impact whatsoever, who didn't put in the hours. Elon Musk, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Joel Salatin.

"A man will live by the sweat of his brow."

And if you work a 100 hours a week, when everybody else is working 40, you'll accomplish in a few months, what takes the average person a year.

Don't even start to want to figure out how to cut time working. You have to love the grind. And to love the work you do, because work is life and life is work. It is like marrying a wonderful person you love, but wanting to figure out, how to spend less money with her.

If you don't put in the hours, it is either because you don't love what you do, or because you are genuinely lazy, in which case there is no hope for you.

Elon Musk just outworked other people. The thought of wanting to work less, is like a cancer and you have to root it out, because otherwise it will spread and destroy your life. You have to work and grind to get what you want.

Sometimes it helps to think ahead to the time, when you will be old and weak and you will wish more than anything to be able and to have the energy to get out of bed and to do the stuff you want and to work the whole day.

Don't get caught in the moment, because thinking in the moment have destroyed peoples lives.

Always remember, the second you stop working and grinding it out, you're not alive. Life is the grind, and once you hate the grind you hate life, but once you love the grind you will love life. Just don't forget to balance it also out.

And forget about sourcing things out. To do it right, you have to do it yourself. The biggest accomplishments come from individuals.

There are some things you can get help with, but it won't get down. There is no person with impact, that didn't put in the hours.

You will put in the hours, if you want to have what you want.


  1. Which of the four big areas of your life do you have the 4 hour workweek mentality and how do you plan on fixing it?

    Business and Self-Education. It’s not that I don’t like what I am doing. And I have caught myself sometimes working and programming so that I wonder after days, why my fingers hurt. But what I hate the most is that I so easily distract myself with mindless activities that consume my productive time. I hope to fix it, by improving my work environment, either by having a mirror in front of me or by being in a co-working space, where I am seen, if I fool around.