Step 1: The Billionaire's Brain & Jennifer Lopez's Voice

Lesson Summary

Coach: "When you are not practicing, someone else is. And when you meat them, you will lose." Someone else is out there, trying to pursue the same goal as you.

Part of to deserve it, is practicing.

The hard truth is, most people are not practicing enough. They think they are going to become an actor, but no, you got to practice.

Most people give up. We have to become literally a person, practicing our craft. You have to increase the odds of whatever it is we want.

Michael Jackson would practice his spin for eight hours in the mirror. Cultivating the intangibles is sometimes just hours put in.

Arnold Schwarznegger said that life is about reps and sets.

When people can't cope with it, they invent reasons to feel better about themselves. Pessimism, because we are told is the reason for our success is outside of our control. We grow up around people who have failed.

Take your destiny into your own hands. Increase your worth a damn factor.

Practical Things: How many books are you reading? What is your dedication to get what you want?

You have to learn to like the grind.

Tangibles are like college degrees. Intangibles are like a passionate person. One thing you can put your finger on literally and print it out, another one you can't. Cultivate the intangibles.

The best and most convincing lie is the lie you tell yourself.

Two things to increase your worth a damn a factor:

  1. Add - Injection of knowledge and wisdom into your brain to remove all the ingorance. Our deserve it factor come through the addition of things.
  2. Remove – Remove ignorance. Rewire our brain and remove the false disabling ignorance that we have been tought.

Are you worth it?

Each day go to bed a little step smarter. There is no shortcut to success. When everybody else is partying, if you are practicing, that is the increase of your worth-a-damn factor.

The world does not respond to need, it only responds to seed.

The world is not yet a crazy enough place to reward a bunch of undeserving people. You can fool some people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time.

Some people have the tangibles, but the intangibles weren't there.

You want to be a successful entrepreneur who changes the world? When you are partying and somebody else is practicing, learning, reading, mentoring or at a seminar. And one day you will meet them in business and your business will lose. Not 24/7, but a good amount of energy. The good news it that working towards a goal is making us happier. Love to learn the grind, because there is no endgoal. Life is what happens to us, when we are on the way.

Success is a universal kind of goal. Look yourself in the mirror and judge yourself honestly. Bank account does not lie.

Find your blind spots:

  1. Starting things and not finishing them
  2. Adding things up

It is hard to identify your blind spots, because that is why they are blind spots. But the way to find them is feedback analysis.

There are three types of knowledge according to the Dalai Lama:

  1. Worst type of knowledge are people who just read or heard about it.
  2. Contemplating Knowledge
  3. Instinctual Knowledge is the best knowledge

It is not what you hear, it is about what becomes instinctual.

Who would you bet on, on your high school? And then become that person.

The pessimistic approach where people feel locked in, out of their control, they do not as well as the people who realize, that you can grab the strings of life and destiny. (like Kon-Tiki)

We want those rules to be there. When you live long enough, you will probably get what you deserve.


  1. What is your plan to start deserving what you want from life?

    Work with focus, without distraction for hours straight. Aim for quantity as well as quality in work and social interactions. Don't subdue to mindless distractions like information overload from news and news-accumulation sites and reduce entertainment to consume it only when you deserve to get some balance.

  2. What is your 1 to 10 worth-a-damn awareness factor?

    I am aware of nearly every obstacle in my life. People (even investors) sometimes tell me about them and I give them right. Also I am aware what the right path is. BUT I have this knowing doing gap. Also this procrastination: "Oh, I know I have to study for this goal... but... let me check what Tai Lopez is saying right now." So, what is awareness worth, if you don't close the open gate and let the cows go out? I guess someone needs awareness to fix the problems he is aware of, doesn't he? I still do need the awareness to love the grind (knowing unknowns), which I currently don't have yet, but at least I have the knowledge that there must be something out there, I am not aware yet. Known Unknowns so to speak.

  3. If you would see yourself in high school, would you have bet on yourself, to get 10% of the income you are going to have?

    No. Because there wasn't enough independence in excellence and opinion, although I've always been an excellent communicator and negotiator (got a lot of empathy and know how to use it). But other pupils had awareness too. The quite ones sometimes surprise you. Back then I was a dreamer without knowing, that you always get what you deserve. Today I am still a dreamer, but I am well aware of what is going on around me, even if I let bad things negligently happen. Which sucks.