Step 21 - Mastering The Four P.A.S.E. Energies & Casanovas Chameleon

This lesson teaches a powerful technique to influence humans, even ourselves, called the P.A.S.E. technique.

Casanova, the Social Chameleon, once said: "I saw that to accomplish anything, I must bring all my physical and moral faculties in play, make the acquaintance of the great and powerful, exercise strict self-control and play the chameleon."

But once you are a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. Therefore we have to bring out different parts of our personality, to convince different kind of people.

To understand how this technique works, we have to go into the details.

P.A.S.E. stands for Practical, Actionable, Social and Emotional tendencies inside of us.

Every person has all of them inside, but on different levels of dominance. When we understand which part of the P.A.S.E. system is dominant within a person, we can start using this knowledge to our advantage, by projecting the same tendency towards them and speaking their language, because like attracts alike and the second we can read a person, we will see tremendous things happen, the next time we use the system on them.

The goal is to become good in every area, so that we can switch them on and off whenever needed and secondly we have to use it to also know and convince ourselves.

P.A.S.E. - Practical

Practical people are generally slower. They are planners who like to plan things in advance and stick to them. They are not super flexible and also not super changeable which has the disadvantage of being not adaptable enough. These practical people approach you more reserved. The second you know they are Practical, slow and steady, methodical, you don't try to be too pushy with them.

P.A.S.E. - Actional

They are the kind of people to whom you say: "We're Vikings we are going to knock down this castle wall. Everyday we go, we spent 8 hours hitting the wall, and when we knock it down, it is a clear path and a clear goal that doesn't change". They are kind of in their routine and rigid and thus horrible, when they need to be changing on a dime, like "yesterday we attacked this wall, now new information is coming, we need to attack the other wall." Those people have the attitude "Oh, come on, let's make things happen. Let's go!", they are like fire. Like many entrepreneurs, they start a lot of businesses but the A-energy is the starter, but the P-energy is the finisher, which makes them to don't always stick to their things, because they are not patient enough. With an Action person you can try to close a deal right away.

P.A.S.E. - Social

Social people don't like plans a lot. They rather go with the flow in a hippyish vibe. They don't like conflict that much and are often OK to do things others want, in order to be with people. Action people are much more aggressive in this matter. Social people are very social, in a sense that they like being around people. A practical man likes to be with people, because it makes him feel secure. Action men like to be around other people because they will help them get things done. Social people instead like to be around people purely because they like to be around people. Everyone has a part of this energy, but for some people it is dominant. They are a bit flaky. They don't stand up for themselves, even when they should. If you are with a Social Person befriend them, keep the conversation light, go with the flow. Hop around different restaurants and bars. Be spontaneous.

P.A.S.E. - Emotional

They are like the deep ocean. They often times hold things in. They are sensitive. The upside is that they are intuitive and naturally good at reading people. And the downside is that they are too easily offended by fear or by their environment. They don't have the thick skin that is needed to go through lives obstacles. If you are with an emotional person, you try to connect by opening up and being vulnerable. Show them yourself and they will open up themselves.

Once we understand P.A.S.E. we understand Casanovas Chameleon, because if we know the dominant factor in a person, we know how to speak his language.

Example: If we know the dominant factor of a person is Action, we can talk to him in his language to influence him: "Hey... Let's make it happen. Today is the day. Let's not procrastinate. Let's go, go go go go go go!!! Why wait? We don't need to make a plan. Let's act."

Just the consciousness to start typing people and analyze them is a big step ahead.

As a side note Practical and Emotional are related as well as Social and Action are related.

You've to be a chameleon, but not in an inauthentic way, because you have a little bit of all those in you.

If you are on a party, bring out the S. And if you are with someone in a room, bring out the E., if you are sitting with your accountant, bring out the P.

Come to an awareness, that it is okay to judge people. Everything in life is synthesis.

For practical application start listening more in a genuine way to asses the situation. Then start analyzing yourself. Next the people you know well. Then acquaintances and in the end the strangers. Then start with living those areas, like for the next hour, I'll be practical.

What ideas can you do, to strengthen some of your areas? Learn to understand people. It will help you in many ways. It will make you make friends and influence people. And you will be able to even influence yourself.

Myself: P.E.A.S. Bianca: S.A.P.E. Dad: A.P.S.E. Mom: S.A.E.P. Mimoza: P.E.S.A. Shpetim: A.P.S.E. Klea: dbd


  1. Which is your dominant and why do you think it's that?

    I am a PEAS. I am definitely a practical guy, because I like planing. Think before you do. I am master of preparation, I can prepare for days, weeks and months or even years. I once was given a manual task. I recorded exactly how much time each sub task needs to be able to make plans in the future on how much such task should take, if delegated to someone else. I love discussing business ideas and getting into the implementation details. Too bad other people don't like details, but they are the steps you need to take, so why not elaborate about them? I always know exactly where the journey is going. I know exactly which path to take, what is wrong and right.

  2. Which is your weakest?

    Comparatively my weakest point is the Action part. With so many plans in my head, I have to stick to one after the other and drill on each until I get to the ground and find oil :) It is my weakest, but not necessarily the one I put last, because as an Entrepreneur I need P and A much more than E.

  3. What are your Mom and Dad?

    Dad is APSE. Mom is SAEP.

  4. How can you bring out each of these in a practiced way, one each day?

    I can call someone each day to be S. Sitting alone with someone and being emotional... I am practical every day, so I don't need to be more analytical than I am already. I can be A, while sitting in the office, getting the lovely programming grind done, to move to the more interesting tasks.