67 Steps to reach the Good Life

Memorization Tactic:

67 Flying Papyrus Rolls are Flying towards my Front Door


  1. Jennifer Lopez is dancing on the first floor at the entrance of my neighbors door - Practice
  2. Walking up the stairs a Chameleon is sitting on the rail - Adaptation
  3. The Chameleon is shooting his tongue and catching a Humble Bee - Humiliation
  4. Walking up the stairs there is a mentally retarded that got stung by the Humble Bee and is running after me - Mentors
  5. I run around him and suddenly the walls start changing patterns - Patterns
  6. When I see at my door a giant Greek sculpture - Sculptor Mentality
  7. With a giant monkey on it ringing like a madman the ring - Jungle
  8. The Monkey is from the Integration Police checking if there are migrants at my home. - Integrated Life
  9. Suddenly the neighbor opens his door due to the loud noise hands me angrily an amazon package - Simulation
  10. Because the monkey doesn't shut up, the neighbor releases a loud spartan battle cry and starts kicking the Monkey - Toughness


  1. I come in and Klea is running towards me, her hands and mouth are full of chocolate - Evolutionary Mismatch
  2. Behind her is her funny Step dad Destiny the Starcraft Player playing with 4 balls - Destiny (Four Questions)
  3. Klea jumps on me and I fall back with her at the wall. I kiss her and notice that the wall got a crack. - Dichotomy
  4. I see her curly hair right and left like Confucius: "Do the difficult when it is easy." - Preparation
  5. She has trouble with her homework and shows me her Math homework - Math
  6. And her English Homework - Renessaince Man
  7. I look up and a giant clock is ticking above our heads - Hours
  8. The giant ticking clock is a picture of the moon - Perspective
  9. I take off my shoes because my food hurts. And I find a coin in my shoe. - Money
  10. Klea pics the coins up and plays with it, as though it were a portal to another dimension - Imagination


  1. In the Bathroom are four mice. One plans, the other works, the other is depressed and the other talks - PASE.
  2. The one that plans is a PhD and gives a lecture about the science of cheese.
  3. When the working mouse managed break a hole into the wall to leave.
  4. I look into the mirror and am shocked to see a grumpy old man
  5. I look deep into my eye and see myself as a kid, young-ling, adult and an old man - Seasons
  6. I remember all the Mistakes I have done in life, as I accidentally burn my hands on the hot water - Mistakes
  7. When the bathroom divider opens and my hot naked assistant... - Trenchmates
  8. ... is taking a bath with an umbrella - Rainy Day
  9. The window glass suddenly breaks... - Entropy
  10. Because an escaped convict jumps through and tries to rob me, but I punch him in the face. - Convictions