Step 18 - Man-On-The-Moon Contrast Keeping Easy Things Easy

This Lesson teaches us two simple and practical steps to improve our process to get what we want.

Contrast Effect

This effect helps our brain to understand most things we want are rather simple. We want to make a million dollar? Well, some people managed to put a man on the moon, which is really hard. Compared to this contrast making a million dollar is simple.

But don't confuse simple with easy. Acquiring what you want in life is not easy. It is hard, but simple.

First see the contrast. There are people who made a couple of billion dollars. Is it possible to make a million? Yes. How much is it a day? Around $3.000. An hour? $300. Can you figure out how to make $300 an hour? Or start with $100?

In the same way the contrast principle can be applied to all pillars of health, wealth, love and happiness. If Arnold Schwarzenegger managed to work out 6 hours a day, can you work out 15 minutes?

Without contrast the brain things that the tasks are huge, but with contrast they become simple for the mind. They just need to be broken down into their small parts, so that our brain understands that they are manageable.

But don't let the contrast screw around with your mind. Because the second you make 100 grant, you want to live the lifestyle of 130 grant, because evolution pushes you always forward. Be reasonable.

The contrast effect helps use overcome an internal barrier.

Alexander the Great once said, that there are only two kinds of people, the one who conquers fear and the one who suffers and dies from it.

Keep Easy Things Easy

In life there are the hard things and the easy things that need to be done. Easy is sending email. Selecting a car. Going to work. Nevertheless people spend an inconsiderable amount of time on easy tasks, like writing a big email instead of calling or driving 2 hours to work.

Everything needs to get their appropriate time so that time is spend on the hard things, like how do I grow my business or how do I stop being broke. Instead most people spend a lot of time on the question of what smart phone to chose or what car they should select. Who cares about thus unimportant stuff.

Keep things simple. Move next to where you work and just have one pair of cloths.

Not getting the small things right, doesn't hurt. Having the big things bad, does hurt.

What type of car do you want? Who cares! What kind of smart phone should I get? Don't spend days on unimportant stuff. Spend time thinking on how to not be broke. How many books on business have you read?

Devote seven hours a day on the hard things.

Health is not that hard. Making money is a little hard. Social is also hard. If you invest 3 hours a day to increase your social skills, this is what you will remember in 20 years, not if your car has been black or blue.


  1. What is something that should be simple that you made hard?

    Program some stuff and putting them online. I know some stuff is simple to do, but for some reason I keep thinking too much about unimportant details, that don't make any difference at all. Just start.

  2. What is something that is hard that you made too simple?

    Relationship. Thought it was easy to manage. But it is actually harder than I thought.