Step 4 - Picasso’s Rising Tide & The Law of 33%

Lesson Summary

This lesson is pretty straightforward. Everybody who has achieved something, had some mentors. Everybody.

And along with Tai, many own their success to them. It is unavoidable to seek and hunt them down with persistence.

Go for the big and best ones. Don't settle with just one. Make 18 months goals on how to cultivate your relationship with them, because we as human beings, don't just learn auditory, visually or kinesthetically (by doing). We learn through osmosis.

Good artist copy, great artist steal.

Even Newton said, that he was standing on the shoulders of giants. And always remember, the best mentors are those who are still doing and are still busy. They might be rough and make you feel uncomfortable. But this is the way to get pushed in the right direction. It is your job to get the information out of them, that you need.

The law of 33% percent is also to make you feel relieved, when you're with people under you, because you will charge up your confidence.

Don't fall into the common pitfalls while searching for mentors:

  1. Feeling uncomfortable around them and avoiding it
  2. Looking for perfection

How to get mentors?

Half success is continuously showing up. Take it slow to form relationships. Start by attending a book signing. Show up when he is making a read. Send them a letter.

Best way to attract mentors.

  1. Make a blog, or become a freelance journalist for a magazine and say that you want to write an article about someone.
  2. Then you email this someone... hey someone, I would like to interview you for an article
  3. Then after you do the interview, send them a little gift (reciprocal bias)

You are not going to win them all and it's a skill to keep an mentors interested.

Ends not good or bad. It's just the natural circle and progressions of life. Spring Summer Autumn and Winter. A circle never ends, but you can only go around a circle so many times.

Books don't replace mentors. Get the best. The rule is 3 gives for 1 reward. Don't be clingy or desperate, because it is not attractive. You want people to think they are investing in potential. Forge long lasting relationships.

Nothing is impossible for him who tries.


  1. Who are the 10 mentors you are going to seek out and what is your plan to learn from them?

    For business
    Freddy Zwanzger, Vishen Lakhianni, Georg Graf Waldersee (Vorsitzender Ernst&Young)

    For networking Chief of regional BNI, Florian Schulz? For being liked:
    My Mayor Oberbürgermeister Jung (politics),

    For relationships James Marshal, and another random high level player, For business/knowledge: Lamber T. Koch, Peter H. Vaupel (ex-SSK Boss), Gunther Wölfges (current SSK Boss)

    For speedreading/mnemonics: Peter Kovacs aus Nürnberg, Christiane Stenger, Gunther Karsten (Weltmeister), Jonas Ritter

    For sales: Rolf H Ruhleder (Meine 202 besten Tipps für Verkäufer), Martin Limbeck