Step 20 - Richard Branson’s Hurricane & The Imaginary World Of Kanye West

This lesson teaches us the role of imagination and the right mentality to get the good life.

Firmly speaking, our good life does not yet exist. We need to use our imagination first in the four pillars of the good life to create it in our mind. And once we have created it in our mind, we need to reshape the world into the life we want by reverse engineering the process of getting there.

The definition of an entrepreneur is someone who remakes the world in his own image. And we all need to become entrepreneurs if we want the good life.

What would most people do, when they were stuck on an island because of a hurricane warning? They would probably say: "Well, OK, there is nothing I can do." But what do entrepreneurs like Richard Branson do? He innovated his way out of it. He chartered a private jet, without having the money, so he sold tickets to the jet, that he had chartered and got off the island and also made a profit.

What do we want? Let's find out what it is and then reverse engineer it our way to get it. Tai wanted to make a living by reading books, so he shaped the world around him to be able to do it.

In the world there are three kinds of people. The ones that make things happen, the ones that watch things happen and the ones that wonder what happens.

As long as we are in the first two categories, we are doing fine. Because the general process is that we first have to watch things happen, before we can make things happen.

The process of literal re-imagining, makes things happen. It takes some time, skill, due diligence, experiments and failures.

Right now: If we are independently wealthy, how would we reshape the world we live in, which consists of 16 hours of our waking time? When do we wake up? Which people are around us? Family? Professional people in a corporate environment? What does our goal look like? Are you a mover or geographically stable?

Define it and then reverse engineer it. Want to be a Growth-Hacker and make it a business? What do you need to do for it to happen? You need to add value and get customers. How do you get customers? I can make a little website an offer it to my friends. How do you make people go on the website? You can start with your friends. Every time you meet someone, ask them to join your "Book of the Day."

Similarly reverse engineer yourself to where your goal is. Richard Branson wanted to be in a world, where he could go wherever he wants whenever he wants. He created this world.

All it takes is:

  1. We must innovate, we must be creative, we must be optimistic, and we also have to be skilled.
  2. We need to be realistic in our goal in a sense that we choose something that aligns with our eulyrian destiny (strenghts).
  3. We need to be patient. The process to reshape the world in your image is your life, so you don't really want to get to the end. The only time when there will be no more struggle in life, is when you're dead. Death will naturally come to you, so don't hurry to go to the end. As long as we move everyday a little bit closer to our goal and we go to sleep a little bit wiser, don't worry about how fast you move. Who cares how fast we go? Who lives the longest in nature? Elephants and turtles. And the shortest lives do fast-pacing animals like birds have.
  4. And we need to be specific in the definition of the big four things. Healthwise. Do you play soccer? Boxing? Wealth? Imagination wise, how are you making your money? Socially? Are you an extrovert? Introvert? Do you have people around every day? Big family? Romance? Happiness? How do you get this? Being religious? Reading? Being a monk? Being around the right people? (BTW the social part is the most important)

We can have anything we want, but not everything. So we might need to cut here and there things to reorder them in the shape we want them to be.

Life is like a parachute jump. You only got one chance.


Sidenote 1: The most money you will ever make is in the thing that matches up with your skillset, natural affinities, natural drive, natural ambitions and curiosity. Never chase the mirage, which is facing you but always moving away.

Sidenote 2: Starting a business and not making money right away is not a failure, as long as we are moving slowly in the right direction. This is Thomas Edison principle of edition.

Sidenote 3: You can have anything you want, but not everything.

Sidenote 4: Most powerful word in USA is “imagine”.


  1. What does your world look like that you’d like to reimagine around health?

    I like boxing. It improves my reaction, cardio, endurance, speed and strength. It is besides Judo, an ancient sport. It relieves stress and increases my sexual market value. I like to imagine myself using boxing as a balance to my work every evening.

  2. In your ideal world, where is your income going to come from? How are you going to reverse engineer?

    In my completely ideal world, I am a specialist in growing businesses online using measurement systems. Analytics to keep companies on track, measuring employee performance weekly and in real time and implementing data driven approaches to minimize management interaction and let the company breathe and their employees thrive.

    Ideally I only need a laptop with an internet connection to do my day to day job, thus being able to move flexible around europe and the educated world, as long as my schedule doesn’t suffer. I work with people I love at companies I own or co-own together, thus combining my social needs together with my work. I am always surrounded by family and friends in my business. This is were 60% of my income comes from, from my own businesses. 20% I get through being an authority in my field on Growth Hacking, holding classes, lectures and speeches on data driven business development and 20% comes from working for other companies as a consultant.

  3. Socially, what does it look like?

    I have loving, healthy, stable and supportive relationships with the people I love most, my children and wife. And deep, reliable and meaningful connections with around 120 people, who I can trust and who can trust me.

    I am only around people who I like.

  4. How are you going to be happy?

    I am spiritual. I read a couple of eastern books and I imagine myself continuing this and also having circles where I can humbly ask what I don't understand, until I reach a point, where my understanding of science and my spiritual understanding is perfectly aligned.

    Therefore I imagine myself meeting once a week with spiritual people, at my house or at the temple, where we do ceremonies, eat and talk and align our lives and world to our spiritual understanding.