Step 3 - Sam Walton’s Night In A Brazilian Jail, Stealing From McDonald’s & Michael Jordan's Humility

Lesson Summary

This lesson is about, humility. You have to be humble, to live the good life. Not necessarily outwardly humble but inwardly.

Jesus Christ made the anecdote about two sons, who got an order from their father. The first son said he would do it, but didn't. And the second son said he wouldn't, but he did. Who was the obedient son? Apparently the second one.

In a same way, we have to become humble, like Sam Walton, who crawled around the floor to measure his competition, because he wanted to know, if they know something, that he didn't know.

Although he was already a billionaire. We have to be humble, to seek and ask and admit that we don't know the answers and to ask other people to teach us. We have to find those and hunt them down and show inwardly humility, like the actions we already took. The money we spent, and the things we accomplished will show if we were really humble.

We have to become like a mental Robin Hood. He stole from the rich and gave to the poor. Similarly there are persons, who have mental gold inside of them, and we should seek them, hunt them and take their gold from them.

To live the good life, you have to become humble. Freud explains, that children are never afraid to ask how things work. And we should not be afraid too.

But life is hard and painful and the human has experienced that when he asked in the past, when he was vulnerable, he got shot down. This pain made us become less humble. But you can stay proud and cocky on the shell, as long as you are humble inwardly, which is shown in your actions.

Want to find out your Average Numerical Humility Score (ANHS)? Answer the following four questions on a scale from 1 to 10 and average them out.

  1. How much do you read? 3

  2. How good has you been on tracking Mentors down and getting them? 0

  3. Copying the competitors. How good are you at copying the competitors? 0

  4. Spending your money. How much money have you been spending on becoming a Robin Hood mentally? To get to this seminar? 1

    Just on your ANHS somebody can tell, what your bank account looks like, when you wake up in the morning. If you are fit. And if you are happy right now. Your goal is that score to get up.


  1. What is the Number 1 area, where you have not been humble enough in action? (Health, Wealth, Love?)

    I am definitely not humble enough with normal people around me. Only because I found my mentors "online" I think, that there isn't a thing, the average Joe can teach me. Although this is quite the opposite, since the Average Joe knows a lot more about certain topics, like dating or sales, that I don't know.

  2. What is the intangible think you are going to do today?

    Just bought 5 books from Amazon Germany for around 48€, good investment. Also going to send two emails. One to an investor, I want to apologize a 2nd time, for my stupid behavior. And one to an investor I want to seek out as my first mentor.