Step 5 - My Poor Friends & Cameron Diaz’s Parrot

Lesson Summary

This lesson is about expanding our awareness to understand patterns within and without our social environment, which we haven't yet paid consciously attention to yet.

Rich friends compared to poor friends have certain behavioral patterns that emerge from their characters, and our goal is to see those patterns.

What are poor friends always doing? And what are rich friends doing?

Who is asking a lot of questions? Who is talking about politics and social events? Who is talking and who is doing? What differentiates healthy and fit people from unhealthy and unfit people?

See the patterns and adapt to them.

Similarly we can start to notice patterns between eloquent people and social anxious people. How is the first dressed? How are they walking, talking and what do they eat? How do they shake hands?

Write those things down, because if they are pattern, they are certain rules that apply to the characteristic of being successful, rich, fit or whatever the endgoal is you want to achieve.


  1. What is the difference that you have noticed between rich friends and poor friends?

Poor friends:

They smoke pot. They play video games and if you talk to them, they never got any news to tell. They sleep late and wake up late. They don't save money. They don't invest into their appearance and dress rather poorly. They like sports. They are soft, rational, emphatic and pacifist. They watch a lot of TV and consume a lot of internet. You can always find time to meet with them.

Rich friends:

Fashion: They always dress good. Wearing a nice jacket and nice shoes or even a really good sitting suit for business appointments. You won't notice them wearing the same outfit twice.

Social Life: They know a lot of people and many peers call them for advice on semi-related topics to the business, because they know that he knows a lot of people and often can provide a solution.

Character: They are ballsy. They speak and ask questions, even when they are part of a crowd. Also they are not afraid to blow a deal, if it does not meet their standards. They are aggressive when it comes to money and often go to court about it and care a lot about their own legal protection. They are doers, they are no talkers.

Body: They work out and try to be in shape. Going to the gym or other martial art courses. They know a lot about health and nutrition in explicit detail to what needs to be eaten.

Time: They are always busy and know always weeks in advance, what they will be doing. It is difficult to get an appointment with them. They don't waste time on time-eating websites like reddit or similar mindless activities, although some watch TV, a social activity with others. Also they don't waste time socializing too much. They might be somewhere for a couple of hours. But not a whole evening just sitting around and talking. They don't necessarily wake up early but they never miss social business appointments and are there always on time and always showing up.

Money: They always save. When they spent, they do it for their business or on appearance (fashion), education (books, courses, seminars), on trips with their significant others. Also they see clients as a prey and are good at hunting them down. People trust them easily, because they are confident.