Step 14 - Preparation - The Shaolin Monk & Touching An Electric Fence

This lesson is about to prepare for the difficult, when it is easy.

The media bias shifts our mentality indoctrinates us that life is a butterfly and we are going to tip toe through it, though the reality is that life is going to throw adversities at us and the best way to deal with them is to be prepared.

Imagine you are 30 and you are getting mugged and beaten up. Instead of playing the victim, you could have actually anticipated, that bad things are going to happen, and you could have prepared for them. You could have trained since you were 5.

This "Everything is your Fault" mentality, is what is necessary to adopt. Not necessarily in a depressing way of thinking, but rather with the thought, that we are at least going to prepare for the next time, when a bad thing happened to us.

Like it or not, over the next years our health will be challenged by sport, illness or accidents and we need to prepare your body as long as you are healthy. When we are young, we don't necessarily need muscles, but it is when we get older, that the muscles we built are going to help the most.

Prepare for the difficult for when it is easy.

In every area of your life. Save money, when you have it, because when you'll be broke you won't be able to. Train your body, when you are able.

Unfortunately today the blind are leading the blind, because our parents haven't been tough about this lessons. But if we follow the blind into the forest and we get lost, whom are we going to blame?

Don't put of for tomorrow what you can do today.

What is the worst thing that can happen to me on the 4 pillars? Then prepare for those. Maybe you need life insurance? Stop driving motor cycles? Whatever that thing might be.

It's all preparation. Forget the Law of Attraction, because words only get you so far. As long as it is tempered and surrounded by a heck of a ton of action and preparation.

If we don't have it in our mind, we have it in our heel.

Hey, I messed up, but you know it is OK to be a little bit delusional, I'll be better prepared next time.

We are not just what we are and have been. We can do better. Human consciousness exists because we are simulation machines. We are self-education machines.

It is time to solve the puzzle, before it becomes a nightmare. So do it now.


  1. What is an example of a pain in your heel and what can you do to fix it?

On money, I have always been a big saver, but a couple of bad decisions in your life can set you back in this area. Nonetheless I am preparing my career and skill-set in exactly the direction which I see my strengths in and which I anticipate to be valuable and scarce in the future, therefore I am currently in preparation mode. I might just prepare a little bit harder each day.

My health is currently top, therefore it must be the perfect time to prepare for the future. I currently do 80-120 push-ups a day and want to start boxing to be prepared when the time needs it. Buying a gun is also worth it.

Relationships have also suffered the last couple of years and it has been a pain in my heel. But I am steadily preparing to build a larger and more valuable network. Yesterday I had dinner with my first chosen mentor. I started inviting my neighbors. I hooked up with old relatives, got to know their friends and tomorrow I am being at a Street Game Lair to improve my Social Skills. Only thing left is sending gifts to induce the power of reciprocity and working on my online persona.