Step 22 - The Seven-fold Path To The Obvious Signs

This lesson is about the scientific process on how to achieve results in the most efficient way. This process has been the only method, that has brought us out of the 500 years old dark age and it is a guaranteed way to bring results.

What we want is to lay aside the old thinking of black and white. Things are generally not good or evil. When Copernicus found out, that the earth was moving around the sun, he thought he would get honors and awards. But instead the old way of thinking brought him death.

Similarly we want to avoid the dark age and apply to our processes the Seven-fold Path to The obvious signs:

The 7 step method to effectively and efficiently move towards your goals is to:

  1. Ask yourself a question
  2. Research the answer to that question
  3. Make a hypothesis (sample answer)
  4. Test it for a while
  5. Observe while you are doing the test
  6. Step back and analyze what you observe, when that test is done running
  7. Make war with a multitude of counselors or ask other smart people to review the other 6 steps you did and to give their opinion.

It is stolen from a scientific 7 step process:

  1. You look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself a question. (How can I have a less fat stomach)
  2. Research the answer. Seek and you will find. Google, books, whatever.
  3. Hypothesis: I am eating out 3 times a week. Based on what I read, I should eat less processed food.
  4. Test things 3 to 4 months. What is the difference between an experiment and a mistake? A mistake is an experiment run too long.
  5. Etc. And apply it to whatever you want

As long as we run our experiments quickly we are able to get new things to our tool belt. Try new diets. The key is to finish your experiments. And always remember, that 50% of people quit after one failure. 80% quit after two and 95% quit after three failures.

Coincidentally many self-made billionaires have failed in business and went bankrupt three times.

People never finish, make sure you finish the experiment and then ask your multitude of counselors for the results. Ask your mom or whomever others opinions you value.

When you finished, you start over. If you go through 7 cycles of it, you will see incredible results. If it seems hard, what is the alternative path? The alternative path is to never do it right!

Start iterating to find out different tools for different times. Time is moving forward. We are already moving through life, but we don't want to be the guy who is doing an experiment for 10 years. In 10 years we should have done 40 experiments. Eventually we know, what makes us money.


  1. Regarding your physical health, where have you been black and white and not experimented enough? What can you do to experiment more?

    I don't eat strictly. I work out, making 80 to 120 push ups a day, but have still the same eating patterns. I shall experiment trying different diets that help me built the healthy and beautiful body I like to have. I shall research what food helps to get a healthy and beautiful body and skin. I shall make the hypothesis, that if I continue this for 2 months, I shall see results. I'll test it for two months and observe myself while I am doing the test. After the test is done, I should analyze the results and I shall ask a multitude of counselors, what they think of my body.

  2. Regarding your business/wealth/career, where have you been black and white and not experimented enough? What can you do to experiment more?

    I've been black and white in regard to selling actual stuff. That I have to learn stuff, before I can sell them. Can I sell things which I don't have any idea how to build them? I'll research the answer and sell build the hypothesis, that it is possible to sell something, which does not yet exist and which I myself don't know how to build. I'll test it for two months, making one visit a day. I'll observe the results while I am doing the test and step back and analyze the results, once the test is finished. Then I'll make war with a multitude of counselors.

  3. Regarding your social life, where have you been black and white and not experimented enough? What can you do to experiment more?

    I always thought that having multiple long term relationships was incompatible with my current relationship. I'll research the answer and probably built the hypothesis that from having a second LTR my current LTR will benefit. I shall experiment with multiple women and see if it works out.

  4. Regarding your happiness, where have you been black and white and not experimented enough? What can you do to experiment more?

    Reading a lot of eastern spiritualism made me biased. I shall open up to every philosophy.