Step 26 - Belts, Suspenders, Failing To Fail, The Six Sigma Heartbeat & How To Not Crash Your F-22

This Lesson teaches us the one rule to get the good life and how to follow it: Make no mistakes by using the Six Sigma Approach.

There is a social fallacy that states, that mistakes are normal. It is true that we learn by mistakes, but they don't have to be necessarily ours.

How many times do you want an airplane engine to fail?

Similarly we can implement in our lives tools and systems that can help us prevent doing mistakes in our lives, because the path of trial and error is futile. For one trial takes time, which we don't have because life is short. And for second errors can be futile.

How would your life look like, if you could reduce the amount of fails in your life on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis? Even if it is forgetting something important. Doing your accounting wrong. Doing 3.4 mistakes for every millionth attempt you are executing on something?

There is a rule that everything that can go wrong, will go wrong at the time when you need it most.

Six sigma perfection means that for every millionth time you attempt something, only two or three of them go wrong. It is a belt system with which the company Motorola could save $17 billion. It is a quality control tool. Sigma Level One does around 670.000 mistakes per 1.000.000 attempts. That means 67%. Some people are like this, who everything they touch goes wrong. In Sigma Level Two the failure rate drops to 30%. Then to 3%. Then to under 1 percent. And in Sigma Level Six it drops to 3.4 mistakes out of a million attempts.

The one rule to have the good life is: "To not make mistakes!"

To not make mistakes, we need to get rid of the expectation of our own failure. We shouldn't allow ourselves to make anymore mistakes. With this mentality in mind, we can use four tools to reduce the amount of mistakes significantly. On a side-note: Expecting things to go wrong, is the surest prevention of them going wrong, because the simple task of monitoring them, keeps them from failing.

Tool 1: Redundancy

Plan and implement multiple systems in your life, because you can expect things to fail. Have more than one babysitter available. Have more than one developer available for the task. Use Belts and Suspenders, for when your belt fails you, you'll have suspenders, and for when your suspenders fail you, you'll have a belt. We need to know that our babysitter will fail us and we need to keep our finger on the pulse of things.

Tool 2: F-22 Exercise on Planning

Make a plan like the F-22 pilots for the Best Case, Most Likely Case and Worst Case scenario and built a solution plan to them, because when shit hits the fan, things are moving so fast, that we can not act correctly, if we hadn't planned ahead for this situation. Similarly have solutions laid out for anything that can go wrong in your undertakings and in your life in general.

Tool 3: Actually learn Six Sigma

This system can't be learned that easily, as there are yearly courses to get certification on it. But it is recommended to research it on your own.

Tool 4: Increase Simulation Factor

It is true we learn by mistakes, but they don't have to be necessarily our mistakes. Therefore it can't be stressed enough to make war with a multitude of counselors. To learn from historians, philosophers, entrepreneurs, alive or dead. We must increase the knowledge level our brain can suck in. Read books, have mentors, use accountants. Don't do anything on your own.


  1. Of the 6 levels of sigma what skill level are you at? How often do things go wrong?

    Six Sigma One. Nearly everything I touch goes wrong.

  2. What is the primary reason you think you're at the level you are at now in six sigma perfection?

    No redundancy. Only planning for best case scenario. Consciously avoiding anything negative even when it is right in front of me.

  3. Of the things talked about in the video which of these do you need to work on most?

    Redundancy and planning ahead.

  4. To get from point A to point B (your goals) what is your F-22 plan to get there? Your most likely, your least likely, and the perfect plan?

    Jump starting my Growth Hacking Agency.

    Best Case Scenario: I'll finish my Agency Website. Do adwords, actively go after clients and they hook. Marketing hooks also. Partnerships and other agencies with whom I collaborate bring the really big fish, like Telekom, Mercedes and Volkswagen. Getting some big projects to execute on them. Have to hire a small and competent team. Money flows in greatly. Hire salesman. Implementing a system to keep the pulse in the business. Withdrawing and going after a more scalable product like Stabll. Hiring a good manager to run the company.

    Worst Case Scenario: I'll get sick and not being able to complete the company website. Can't start attracting customers, since the customer touch points are failing me. I'll loose the income sources I currently have and also loose my job. Will get denied social security and can't pay the rent. Can't feed myself. Starve. Rent is due. My wife leaves me and I fall in ultimate disgrace in front of everyone I know.

    Solution: Eat healthy. No alcohol, drugs or other toxic substances. More salad, fruit and exercise, to prevent going ill. But if I go ill, I will partner up with somebody else, and split the company in 51% 49%. If we can't get clients to pay, we do it for free to build reputation and get a state funded business loan till then. Until the business loan is given, which can take up to 12 months, I'll take another loan or sell my property for food. I move into a WG to reduce cost of living or sleep in my car. Get a gym membership to shower myself. Try to get a job in sales to move things back into the correct direction.

    Most Likely Scenario: I'll complete the company website. I'll start market my product. The first clients will be hard to get, but lastly will a lot of persuasion, I'll get a low level client who pays nearly nothing. Building on them we get some more clients to rebuild their website, to drive traffic to their company site and to conversion optimize their website to generate them leads. If we are successful doing that, we get more experience, customer is happy and we use "recommendation marketing" on them. Bills are paid by the state, since revenue is still low. I therefore work in sales in the Online Marketing Industry or as a Web Developer for another agency. Slowly but steadily we are growing our baby. We hire a sales representative and collaborate with SEO agencies. We send them clients for SEO, they send us clients for Content Marketing and Conversion Hacking. After a year or two, we start to get a positive income stream of around $4.000 a month, which will make me able to give up my part time job as a web developer and focus completely on the agency. I'll built a subdivision in this company of three smart people, who will work two days a week building more scalable products.

  5. What is a practical thing you can do to have a better back up plan?

    Split money in multiple pockets, wherever I am.